First up is the Art Talk, which deals with themes central to the artistic practice of the artists of the Rezidan project (a project that offers artistic residencies to established and emerging artists, among other endeavours). This conversation is an immersion in the artist’s creative universe. While the artist tells his or her story through projected images, questions from the audience are welcome, enriching this conversation about inspiration and the creative process. The event comes to a beautiful conclusion with an artistic performance.
This winning formula made the first edition – “Mondes Intérieurs” (Interior Worlds), featuring the engravers from Hermine Studio and the photographer Meha Desai – a great success: “It was great! Beyond the fascinating conversation and engaged audience, we shared a delicious breakfast served by our friends from Bazart Mokaray, while enjoying Yannick Candin’s painterly performance. Seeing these moments of discovery and camaraderie is my greatest reward – it is the essence of my profession,” exclaims Mathieu Pigeot.
December 05, 2022 at 2:50 pm , Anna said:
Interesting post, thanks for sharing.