Security hotline for Moka’s residents
Should you have any difficulty with the national emergency telephone numbers or if help is slow to arrive, feel free to call the Moka Hotline to report any problems in the following areas: Bagatelle, Telfair, Helvétia, Courchamps, Vivéa and L’Avenir. You will thus contribute to the safety of the city and its residents!
Avacor will send a patrol in the following cases: suspicious person or vehicle; theft or attempted theft, including with violence; arson; vandalism; burglary; medical assistance; domestic and sexual violence. The primary responsibility of Avacor’s security officers will be to send a request for assistance to the relevant authorities.
Avacor may also respond to cases of vandalism, disturbance, loitering, illegal parking or littering at the Telfair amphitheatre and the Promenade. In such cases, the public is requested to call the hotline first for immediate response.