Attention to photography enthusiasts 📸
The first collaborative documentary photography residency, which took place in July finally borne fruit: a photography exhibition entitled “Mokassiens”.
During their residency, the artists spent two weeks exploring Moka and meeting its inhabitants. They took the time to deepen their vision of the region, its people and their stories.
Mokassiens acts as a platform to develop individual photographic voices and aims to foster collaboration between artists in the creative process.
The works produced during this residency will be exhibited in the open air at the Telfair Amphitheater. The public is invited to come and enjoy the exhibition for free and immerse themselves in the life of the inhabitants of Moka.
📍Telfair Amphitheater, Moka
📅December 20, 2022 – January 19, 2023
ℹ To find out more:
No reason to miss this great moment, free and open to all!
We thank our sponsor ENL Group for their support for the art residencies.