The first issue of Moka Smart City’s free magazine, Mokazine will be distributed throughout the region by mid-December. What does this yearly publication have in store for us?

A magazine for the citizens of Moka

People of Moka-Saint Pierre, your free copy of Mokazine will be available in the coming days – straight into your letterbox.

“After months of hard work by all our teams, Mokazine is aimed at sharing and showcasing the plurality and dynamism of Moka,” says Moka Smart City’s General Manager, Samuel de Gersigny. The magazine will bring the region’s latest news and certainly contribute to making its people proud!

Something for everyone

A pool of local resources, including 11 writers, 2 photographers and 1 illustrator have come together to produce this 94-page magazine, which reports on Moka’s main news and events in 2019. There’s really a lot happening in the region! No need to panic though, the fun and colourful collage on the cover as well as the beautiful illustrations and pictures inside set the tone: Mokazine is an easy and accessible read for everyone. You might like to put it in your bag to flick through during your lunch break or on the bus!

You can leaf through the pages for information on key projects, major recent and upcoming urban developments, important events in the region, community life and residents’ views,” says Samuel de Gersigny, who jointly wrote the editorial with the Chairperson of the Moka District Council, Sudhirchandra Soonarane. Urban mobility is the centrepiece of this first issue, with a special feature on the topic.

It is worth noting that the editorial team has gathered information on major events in Moka in 2020. You will also discover the places to be and the region’s history. There is a special kids’ section – Mokazinior – capped off with a competition on the theme, “Dessine ta ville rêvée” (Draw your dream city). The best drawings will appear on billboards in the region, on social networks and in the next issue of Mokazine. So if you are between 6 and 12 years old, get your pencils and paper ready!

Click here to discover the Mokazine.