Tag: lockdown

It is true that once the dishes are done, the floor is swept, the Zoom meeting is over, the kids’ hair is done and the dog has been fed, we could continue cleaning, look up for alarming statistics on the pandemic…

Regular physical activity is essential to stay healthy. Especially in the current context we find ourselves, all confined at home to stop the spread of COVID-19…

The Mauritian Government has taken measures to limit the movement of people to the strict minimum in order to curb the spread of the virus. To help citizens get through the

If your inner eco-warrior is worried about the impact of lockdown on our planet, here are some green ideas you can implement from the comfort of your home.

We asked Vincent Mandrou, a clinical psychologist and member of Up Together, a multidisciplinary team, about the challenges of confinement with the family.

Here’s an original idea to keep young and old alike entertained until lockdown is over. Anyone can grow their own “anti-crisis” vegetable garden.

The drastic measures taken by our Government are intended to encourage all of us to exercise extreme caution in the fight against the coronavirus.

Following the confirmation of cases of COVID-19 in Mauritius, Moka Smart City has immediately embarked on an awareness campaign aimed at people living and working in the region.