Month: March 2022

Aujourd’hui, le 18 mars, est célébrée la Journée mondiale du recyclage. Pour marquer cette date et sensibiliser à la valeur des déchets…

The advantages of Moka Smart City continue to attract businesses, including a central and strategic location, a true vision for development and a range of services

Moka Smart City is proud to announce the expansion of Vivéa as a result of the continued success of this unique business park over the past…

Rome is famous for its Colosseum, Athens for its Ancient Agora and Moka for the Telfair Amphitheatre, where the city’s users keep active and moving while…

Moka Rangers Sports Club has been expanding its range of sport disciplines every year since its foundation in 2015. Running is in the starting blocks for 2022 with new categories and dynamic coaches!